Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Balingasag Memory Square †Point of Sales System Essay

1.1 Background and Rationale of the study Memory Square is one of the attractive places in Balingasag Misamis Oriental. It is located at Barangay 6 near seaport between Provincial Hospital and basketball court. Memory Square is a fast food chain, where the students, teachers, families, friends, tourists, personnel’s in LGU or the Local Government Unit officials ,Balingasag Provincial Hospital personnel and for all the people coming from Balingasag seaport who buy snacks, foods and drinks. The owner of the Memory Square is Ms. Evelyn Albor. Memory Square was build on 2011. Ms. Evelyn Albor is the one who manage the money and running the business. The personnel that work in the fast food are the one who gives the ordered products to the customers and who buy products for the stock and manage the business when the owner is not around. The process of  the running business is complicated because the products are not recorded. The owner is not usually recording all the sales, all products that has been bought by the costu mer is not recorded. Only the credits, expenses and the daily sales are recorded manually. Because of lacking data and database the Owner cannot see the exact total income of the BMS. Inventory is basically the total amount of goods that are stock and stored. It is a system that maintains the information about the activities within the firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. The subsystems that perform these functions include sales, manufacturing, warehousing, ordering and receiving. In this way it is possible to keep a record of all files. Since manual inventory consumes a lot of time it would be helpful to build a system that can less the cost with the stated problems, the researchers will develop, design and implement a system called Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System (BMS POS system). BMS – POS system is where a retail transaction completed. It is the point of sales which a customer makes a payment in exchange for goods or services. At the point of sales it will calculate the owed by the customer and provide options for the customer to make payment. As part of it services, researchers implement a system that is designed to provide capabilities for storing, searching, updating, adding, deleting and editing the files of products or data. One of the important of BMS POS system is inventory for the identification in receiving and selling inventory items. Determine when to record low stock items or to record the sale of specific items. BMS POS system can also monitor the cost of goods sold, purchase price and sale price. All of the deliveries are recorded and listed from this system. There is a separation for the record of all goods. Expenses will be subtracted to the gross income and the result will be the net income with the use of this study. Balingasag Memory Square is using manual process of recording data of products but not all files of goods is recorded for many years it must be performing more efforts in maintaining a fast, efficient and reliable service. It is indeed a need for Balingasag Memory Square to computerize its old way of keeping or storing of files in order to update, edit, delete, and search and so with the personnel. The importance of this research is to  help the business to lessen their work in keeping files manually. Through this, the study will offer a fast and more efficient service to the community especially in retrieving important information for future use. This system helps to minimize the time and efforts consumed by using manual system. Using computerized point of sale with inventory will give benefits to the business and to the customers. It can be help to simplify the process of storing and managing the files in need for future use and make finding files easier than the manual process. It is used to keep orders and also provides details of when inventory needs to be used. 1.2 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the study A conceptual and theoretical framework is very useful in a research it is used to outline possible processes. It illustrates the different processes of the system. All the processes are being organized. It is a basic approach to understand the processes of the system. This framework illustrates the Input – Process – Output concept in which the researchers use as a guidelines to establish a POS system for Balingasag Memory Square. BMS POS system has two main parts the cashiering and the inventory. The researchers separate cashiering and inventory in its conceptual and theoretical framework for its different process. The growing popularity of computers called for a shift in thinking. During the late 1970s, social presence and media richness theory were found to be inadequate at describing computer-based meetings. In response to the changing landscape of organizations driven by computer systems, Input-Process-Output (IPO) Theory was proposed. An IPO theory state that the o utcome of a meeting depends on the process that occurs during the meeting, which is in turn dependent on what is put into the meeting. An IPO chart demonstrates how resources put into the system (inputs) undergo a change (process) to produce results (outputs). Figure 1.1 – Cashiering theoretical and conceptual framework Figure 1.2.1 illustrates the theoretical and conceptual framework of cashiering. First, the customer will asked for a product to the one who’s in charge in the Memory Square. The person in charge will check if the product is available or not available, then if the product exists the personnel will give it into  the customer and if it’s not the in charge will deny the request. Receipt will be given after the transaction is done. The product being bought will be added to the sales of the day. Figure 1.2.1 illustrates the theoretical framework of cashiering. First, the customer will asked for a product to the one who’s in charge in the Memory Square. The person in charge will check if the product is available or not available, then if the product exists the personnel will give it into the customer and if it’s not the in charge will deny the request. Receipt will be given after the transacti on is done. The product being bought will be added to the sales of the day. Figure 1.2 – Inventory theoretical and conceptual framework Figure 1.2.2 illustrates the theoretical and conceptual framework of inventory. Products information will be inputted and process to store in database. All the information is categorized. Then finally, all the products will be store in database. 1.3 Objectives of the Study General Objectives: The main objective of this study is to develop, design and implement a system that enhance the transaction and inventory process of Balingasag Memory Square. The BMS – Point of Sales System will assure that every transaction is accurate and stocks are always monitored. Specific Objectives: To conduct an interview and gather all information needed from the Balingasag Memory square in charge. To analyze all the information that the researchers get from the Owner of the Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. To design data flow, context diagram and create a database that would serve as a guide in realizing the desired output of the study. To design Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. To develop the code of the Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. To test and debug the Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. To implement the Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. 1.4 Significance of Study OWNER The flow of the deliveries before is not recorded by the owner but the owner knows that she gets a gain in the business. Sales are recorded manually with the owner and it takes her so much time just to record. With the help of this study it will be easier and faster to record sales. The features of the system are; the owner easily can add products in the system, she can add expenses but it will automatically deducted in the income and she can also add credits of the consumer. The owner can also view all the sales in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. The system can also print the sales of the said store and can print receipt if the consumer wants. So, there will be no more papers and ball pen to be used for recording data’s. This is an advantage of the owner so that she will not suffer any more from losing files and no more hard time in retrieving of files manually. CUSTOMER Customer is one of the beneficiaries of this study. Transaction will be much faster than before because of the system automatically calculating of the items in the bill. One of the features of the BMS POS system is printing out of receipts. If the customer asks for a receipt in the personnel, he/she just press the print key in the system then the system will automatically print out all the list of items that they bought in the Balingasag Memory square. And also, if the consumer doesn’t have money to pay and ask for a debt, the system can put all the items that the costumer buy in debts. Customer’s debts are recorded and listed in the database with the use of the BMS POS system it’s easier to find files of their debts. FUTURE RESEARCHERS Through the help of the study our future researchers will not find it difficult to develop a new Balingasag Memory Square Point of Sales System, since this research would somehow help them on how to make a point of sales system and that what are the things needed to and what are they going to do. With this guide, the future researchers may develop a more improved and better BALINGASAG MEMORY SQUARE – POINT OF SALES SYSTEM for the coming future. 1.5 Scope and Limitation This Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System aims to computerize the transaction of Balingasag Memory square from its manual process. As the researcher observes nowadays, small and big companies are making their system computerized so that it will help the company in minimizing the time and efforts consumed by using the manual process. Balingasag Memory Square – Point of Sales System. (BMS-POS System) can link automatically with the inventory occurring in the real time when the sales occur. In this way it is possible to keep the record of goods that are coming in and sold out. However, this is appropriate for small business that does not have a lot of stocks. This study gives more efficient management of the inventory and cashiering levels, it also provides a clear view of the inventory movement inside the Balingasag Memory Square. It will improve the employees’ efficiency by automating it routinely and time consuming tasks such as the time spent in manually recording the products. As a result, the time can be used in activities that are more productive. Used to keep track of the customer orders, monitor the products, total the net income every day, listed the expenses, records the credits, provide details of when inventory needs to be restocked and etc. The BMS POS system is exclusively for the Balingasag Memory Square only. A computer desktop base system that can print out weekly, monthly and annual results of sales; it can also produce a bill which contains the list of product being ordered, its quantity and price. It can store data, view data, search data, delete data and update a data in the database. It can be used only by the Balingasag Memory Square Owner and its employee. The BMS-POS system is not an online system and in networking. It is installed only in one computer or a laptop or a net book with OS of Windows 7. 1.6 Definition of Terms BMS-POS Balingasag Memory Square Point of Sales. Bill Contains the list of product, price and quantity being ordered by the customer. POS Point of Sales. Database It is where data are being stored. Goods Food, snack or meal that is bought in the Balingasag Memory Square. GUI Graphical User Interface, it is the visual output of the system. Inventory A complete list of product item and sales. Limitation A limiting product for the Balingasag Memory square. OS Operating System Products These are sold from the Balingasag Memory square. Rationale A purpose for this study. Record A list for the products, credits and etc. that are belong to this study. Scope The extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant. Theoretical A theoretical concept of the study Transaction An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES OF BMS – POS SYSTEM This chapter deals with the different literature and studies base on different sources such as books magazine, newspapers and Internet. The related literature is written based on the needed information related to the system to provide the better understanding how Facility Inventory System works and give a brief theoretical background. Through this, the user would somehow understand the functionality of the system clearly and comprehensively. Balingasag Memory Square Point of Sales System is an essential kind of system that can manage to allow the user and staff to do their job effectively. All the total credits are listed and all of the expenses are also listed in the database. Inventory is basically the total amount of goods that are stock and stored; it is a system that maintains the information about the activities within the firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. The subsystems that perform these functions include sales, manufacturing, warehousing, ordering and receiving. In this way it is possible to keep a record of all files. As a part of services, this system is to design to provide capabilities for storing searching updating the all files of goods or products, adding a data, delete and edit. One of the important of POS system is inventory system for the identification in receiving and selling inventory items. Determine when to record low stock items or to record the sale of specific items. POS can also monitor the cost of sold goods, price purchase and sale price. All of the deliveries are recorded and listed from this system. There will be a separation for the record of all products. It can help to record securely all the sales and customer’s orders, track products which are poor on business’ sales and manage inventory. This system is a desktop based system in which could only use or accessed by two people which is the admin and cashier. To access the system, the user or staff must enter his/her username and password for the verification. Non-personnel are not authorized to access the sys tem. The researchers ordered to secure all the significant information that the database contained. Foreign Related Studies MICROS RES: Back-Office, Guest Services, & Restaurant POS Software MICROS RES is a complete restaurant POS software solution that adapts to the way you run your business, with tools for the back-office, restaurant operations, and guest services. This fully-integrated restaurant point-of-sale system is both powerful and flexible and helps operations within your property flow more cohesively, efficiently, and profitably. The MICROS RES point-of-sale system offers restaurants multiple solutions that are designed specifically for table and quick service operations. This comprehensive restaurant point-of-sale system also allows restaurants monitor inventory levels, streamline ordering and receiving processes, enhance the profitability of your operation with customizable reporting and analysis tools, compare operational conditions against established standards, and implement gift card and loyalty programs for guests. For owners of multiple restaurant locations, this restaurant POS software offers enterprise management. MICROS RES provides end-to-end communications throughout your operation to increase efficiency and speed service. The end result of the MICROS RES restaurant point-of-sale system is to increase customer satisfaction, maximizing their experiences at your restaurant. The similarities of MICROS RES to BMS POS system is friendly user and both system are powerful. The advantage of BMS – POS system is that, it is not a system for restaurant. The in-charge can add and view all the expenditures and can manage credits of the costumers. Source: MICROS Systems, Inc., (2003) Bar & Nightclub Point of Sale | Best Prices on Bar POS Software Cafe Cartel has been providing software. We are a software company dedicated. We have a wide range of options such as software solutions, hardware solutions, and service packages. It was like many bars, collecting hand written tabs, keeping track of orders by bartender memory, and using multiple cashiers with the same access codes for the registers. Their credit card system kept customer’s cards on hold. No real point of sale to track drink type sales, cashiers that took the orders or cocktail waitress that took orders. The functions of the system included the following: Open Tabs Management Tools Pre-Auth/ Duplicate Charge Notification Happy Hours Pricing Tools We have inclusive and exclusive tax options 3rd party liquor inventory integration such as Berg Comprehensive User-friendly Interface Easy to Setup and Use Menu Price Change and Discount Auditing Tools The similarities of this study to BMS POS system is easy to use and user friendly because all the functions are showed in the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The advantage of this system is that the BMS – POS system can add other products; the user can view all the expenses and can add credits of the costumer. Source:  ©Carlnicks. (2005) Local Related Studies Point of Sales and Inventory System In this study conducted by Ariel Magat (2002), he stated that the Inventory System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The proper safekeeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually would lead to the success attainment of the goal and objectives of institution, agency and department concerned. Based on her recommendation there should be a central record management office that will hold data of the agency to serve as locator of the record and to control the disposal of each record. This can be possible through the use of computerized system. Computer with the appropriate software package is capable of handling records efficiently and effectively. And locating records that are computerized is faster than finding them in the filling cabinet. This is Point of Sales and Inventory System developed in vb6.0. Here the purchase and sales records are entered in the software. If the customers purchase few things, the user will enter those things name and the bill is generated automatically, admin can view the transaction of selected date using search option. All types of options are entered in this software. There will be 2 types of users one is admin and other one is employee. Both have different rights. Admin can give any type of rights to the user. This software is error free. Anyone can use this software. The similarities of BMS – POS system to this study is that it can record the sales of products and the admin can view all the transaction. The advantage of BMS – POS system to this study is that it developed in  The BMS – POS can generate bill to the customers who buy products. And the BMS – POS system can only be use by the in charge and the employee. Source: Ariel Magat (2002) SBSCC Stockist basic The right inventory software can provide major time saving benefits. Free up your human resources for more profitable tasks by automating your inventory tracking. Choosing the appropriate software for your business can even help you eliminate time consuming manual processes by alerting you to which items need to be re-ordered and when. SBSCC Stockiest Basic POS – inventory software takes the guesswork out of keeping appropriate stock levels and costing. It also allows you to efficiently gather key information needed to make informed and insightful decisions. SBSCC Stockiest Basic POS business operational software specifically designed for small business owners to manage their inventory more efficiently. Now small business owners can take absolute control of their inventory/stock, purchases, sales, point of sales and returns. SBSCC Stockiest Basic POS Edition Features: Easy to use and flexible Specifically designed for small business owners. Complete inventory/stock management. Manage purchases and goods received note Manage point of sales. Print invoices, sales receipts and purchase orders. Manage customer/supplier returns Manage customer/supplier/employee contact list. Manage routine order processing and re-order level. The similarities of BMS – POS system to this study are all features of this study are the same in BMS – POS system. The advantage of BMS – POS system to this study is that it is a friendly user system. And it can manage credit of customers. Source: SBSCC, Inc. (2005)

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